The past Friday night for me was quite the doozy to say the least. I almost felt like not going out due to how tired I was. I was spent from a long day and even had to take a bit of a nap. Despite all of that, I went out.
I got into a line that was somewhat longer than normal and ended up having a great conversation with these two girls that go to UM. For the life of me, I did not expect that. Come to think, I was a fool to judge all co-eds at The U based on bad experiences with sorority girls.
As the would go on, I would reapproach the girls and DHV for a lot of the conversation. The girls were super into me but it was me solo and one of the girls had a boyfriend. To make matters more complicated, the roommate of the girl with the BF was at the bar as well. A wingman would have come in very handy but I did not have one.
I closed the girls for IG as I could not figure out an angle and went around chatting up guys. The reason I do this when out solo is because I can sometimes find good wings with normal guys as the PUA community has given me a ton of weirdos that ruin sets. I did this with a few guys before I went through doing approaches.
One lands.
After a few fruitless approaches, I open a two-set. One is a blonde with a somewhat mean look on her face and the other is a tanned brunette in all white that looks sort of like Emily Ratajkowski.
My opener is was “your white dress goes well with your tan, you definitely put some work into it”. The brunette smirks and says “haha I know”. I reply with “and she is cocky, that’s how you know she did a great job”. Brunette sort of smiles.
I comment on that and say “yes yes, it was brought from Soho, now let me put my arm on my face as I describe this dress”. She busts out laughing hard as her blonde friend goes from cold to smiling.
Blonde has likely considered me cool enough so I end up sexualizing a bit. I practice the techniques that a few wings on the chat have taught me. More in the eyes and just imagine the dirty things I would do to her as I talk to her.
I know the blonde might stand in the way so I was hoping for my technique of talking to other dudes would work. Well, it almost backfired. I talked to these two white guys who later run into me and the set, they gave off somewhat redneck vibes. I throw one off on the blonde as I get back to talking to the brunette.
She is from LA, recently graduated from USC (I love USC girls!), and lives in Brickell. At the same time, she is considering the are I live in. I tell her I live in the area itself. She says she wants to go there more. I start hyping up my apartment and everything.
Then I use the game of Pool to sexualize. I say “yeah I love pool, especially getting it in the hole”. She smiles but it is that smirky smile that comes with a deep breath. I have to do something.
Well, here is where it almost backfires. The guy I talked to had a friend who comes into our conversation and says “what is this getting it in the hole thing yall are talking about?”. I look at him and smile a bit before turning back to the girl. She says “we are talking about pool”.
The idiot starts hyping up how great he was at pool and I ignore him. Girl is looking at me smiling and I lean in to tell her “hey, want to see the boats that way?”. She says “yes” enthusiastically. The guy keeps talking and even fucking follows us, she is laughing along the way.
Then the guy, who cannot shut up keeps talking and asks “wait, are yall two like together?”. She says “yes, this is my boyfriend” while distancing herself from the guy.
Dude still doesn’t fucking stop, talks to me and says “well you lucky there mister, she’s a fine gal”……
I look at her and whisper “that’s one thing he got right”. We are having a laugh at the guy’s expense while looking off at the boats. I explain the venue to her and this dude keeps cutting in trying to comment.
So I tell the guy “hey man, we are kind of in the middle of something personal right now, do you mind?”. He actually takes well to it and says “oh no, I understand” and walks away. Think the guy was just clueless, not meaning anything bad.
I want to make out with this girl but put my arm around her instead.
So I tell her “hey, my spot is 5 minutes away and we got a pool table, let’s play”. She looks at me and says “well I have to get my friend”.
I tell her “you can text her that we are outside”.
She proposes “no I want to walk to her and get her”.
I tell her “sure, let’s do it”.
We walk that direction and find her friend still talking to the other guy I had talked to. Here is where it gets interesting.
The attempted pull.
The other guy who was more cool had a sister with two friends. I gamble and say fuck it, invite them all to come to my spot. The guy’s sisters are being headaches and do not want to come. The guy himself wants to come but his sister is keeping them there. Guy’s annoying friend is thankfully not involved at all.
Long story short, it ended up being me and the two girls heading to my apartment to play pool. Blonde was surprisingly cool about it. I do not want to try anything in the 5 min Uber to my spot.
We arrive at the pool table and good luck strikes. One really cool guy I am buddies with in my building, its this buff cop, was in the pool room and he knows what the deal is. We ended up playing pool for a bit but I notice the brunette is getting somewhat withdrawn. She is looking at me with that intense look in her eyes as I play pool as Cuban bro is working the blonde, she is into him.
I approach the brunette after a game of pool and put my hand on her shoulder. I lean in and start whispering in her ear a bit saying “told you I was good at getting it in the hole”. She gives me that look of silliness but her eyes are telling a different story. Like they have become deeper in a way and more serious.
Then I tell her “let’s get some drinks while they play”. She tells me “go get the drinks boy, fetch”. I smile and say “you’re gonna need a leash before you say that to me”. She smiles as I grab her hand and try to lead her out in a subtle way. She was not a loud talker and music was playing in the room so no one heard.
I tell her “I can use those strong arms to carry the champagne, you look like a classy cocktail waitress”. She smiles and shakes her head but I notice her squeezing the shit out of my hand.
The “close”.
As soon as we get to my apartment and the door closes, we lock lips and she kissed me so aggressively. After doing it, she let out a deep breath. In the whole situation, I felt the kind of sexual tension I had not felt before. I kiss her face and even suck on her cute little chin a bit.
The whole moment seemed to last forever and I felt my skin getting hot and get the weird feeling of goosebumps as my cock gets hard to this chick. I kiss her shoulder and everything, going slow. For some reason, she had her dress on and I could not get her to take it completely off.
I did remove a bit of the top to suck on the nipples and play with the tits a bit but she would not remove her bra. It was weird in that I was horny and managed to escalate. I drop to my knees and put my head under her dress, eating her out. Somehow, she took off her panties but not her bra or her dress……
She is squeezing my head hard as I eat her pussy and then she cums from it. I am hard and try to hit it raw. She is sweating and hot, tells me “condom”. I pretend to not hear and she shouts “condom retard!”.
I put on a condom and she is speaking nervously and fast saying “hurry it up, you’re not a virgin are you!”. She would not take off her dress so I had to lift it up and screw her that way. Her not being completely nude was a turn on for me. I think now looking back at it as to how I am more turned on by chicks in their underwear than chicks who are entirely nude.
I end up putting it on and fucking her. Kiss the back of her neck as I smash. I suck on her ears and hit it before cumming. After that I suck on her titts a bit again too which she is fine with.
This girl was fucking hot with her vibe. I try to lure her to the bed for a proper fuck, I want to be naked with her so bad. Even if she hot on just her underwear and nothing else it would have made my night. She says “stop being manipulative, we came here for drinks”.
The whole thing ends there as she goes to the bathroom to put her panties back on. I could not get her IG or even her number after the fact, she turned me down for that.
So many questions than answers for my second lay of the month…..